Thursday, June 11, 2009

...More RandoM Questions!

... so since im mad bored out here (im not dat bored) but my mind is just goin i guess cuz i keep askin my self crazy questions such as...

1. Why do ppl u neva me or came in contact wit feels the need to give you pounds?

2. What ever happend to TGiF?

3. Why did i stay up til 230am to watch Fresh Prince when i got a 830am class and a test? smh...

4. Why do ppl like to enter thru the same door u goin out of wen ders 2 doors?

5. Dont you hate wen ppl you dont kno, walk or creep up beside you?

6. Dont you hate wen some1 is like a mile away and dey hold da door open for you forcing you to speed up the pace of your walk to catch the door so they dont have to hold the door for u nomore?

7. Why do we pay for a bag of chips dat are half full?

8. How you guna tax 50cent chips?!

im sure imma be thinkin so ders guna be more to come...

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